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Ένα ταξίδι στ’ αστέρια της λογοτεχνίας!

Αmalia & Τhe Αrchitects – Μurder and Create

I haven’t uttered a word since I was 6 years old when I
noticed that they could not match up to the world
All around me was murder and I the witnessing eye
No one else seemed to notice no one else seemed to try

You will never get to speak the truth of all this death
And so you grab on to the last resort and say
Lover you comitted our murder but I cant speak a word
A word

Flung to the sea I’m not waving Im drowning
Time to get out of this salt grab the ink and carefully bleed
You have to bleed carefully otherwise its another murder of men
Messy and coward like style and just barely dodging the trial

You will never get to speak the truth of all this death
And so you grab on your umbilical chord and cry
Mother i witnessed a murder but I cant speak a word
A word

Teachers you have done an excellent job
and as long as there is murder i ll still try and fail to talk
And if the murders all stop I’ll die on my own

You will never get to speak my drunk attendant lord
and so you grab on to the strength of her hold and say
Lover I see you could use me some more
Some more

Music/Lyrics: Amalia
Guitar: Vasilis Angelogiannos
Bass: Anastasia Kakava
Drums: Alkis Tsakakos
Produced, Mixed & Mastered: Nick Ottomo Angloupas
Recorded at Fabliquid Studios
Artwork : Dimitris Kalagatsis

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