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Ένα ταξίδι στ’ αστέρια της λογοτεχνίας!

Dana International – Ding Dong

Eurovision 2011 – Israel

Ve’ulai hayamim hatovim
Higi’u hem kan, rak od rega katan
Vehakol yishtane me’achshav
Venohav, nohav

And if you have a dream of your own
Don’t be afraid to go on with your heart
Close your eyes and hear the bells of your soul

Ding dong, say no more
I hear silent prayers, and it’s making me high and fly
I know where to go and I’m coming now

Ve’ulai ze kim’at, ze karov
Achshav ba toro shel harega hatov
Hake’ev shebalev mistovev veholech, ozev

Ding dong, say no more
I hear silent prayers, and it’s making me high and fly
I know where to go and I’m coming now

Haleli et hayom shemevi lach et halaila
Haleli et hazman sheya’ir otach
Hu yavi lach ge’ula

Haleli et hayom shemevi lach et halaila
Haleli et hazman sheya’ir otach
Veyavi lach ge’ula

Ding dong, say no more
I hear silent prayers, and it’s making me high and fly
I know where to go and I’m coming

Ding dong, say no more
I hear silent prayers, and it’s making me high and fly
I know where to go and I’m coming now